A new ‘liveability’ survey has revealed virtually no difference between old rivals Sydney and Melbourne.
The survey, conducted by the Littlepoint Research institute takes a range of factors such as culture, climate, people, food and affordability into consideration.
Fitzroy dweller |
Melbourne scored highly on most components, but lost ground due to “residents’ tendency to harp on about how much better Melbourne is than Sydney”, according to Littlepoint Director, Jacqueline Heartbleed. It also lost points due to its female residents’ proclivity for wearing black, and the 18-35 age bracket’s penchant for ‘vile knitted vests’.
Sydney, made up ground since the last survey in 2009, ironically due a drop Sydneysiders talking about how wonderful it is and ambivalence about the comparisons.
Queenslander |
Perth and Brisbane came in 3rd and 4th respectively. Cost of living and value for money was an issue in Perth, where a t/a coffee can cost up to $57. Brisbane would have topped the list were it not for the fact that it is inhabited by Queenslanders.
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